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Maia Tsetskhladze
Birth Date1965Share

Tsetskhladze Maia

Maia Tsetskhladze (b.1965) graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts in 1990. She works in the fields of painting, graphics, and applied arts. “In painting, I want to convey the mystical-romantic world, which tries to escape from the depths of the soul, tries to fill the world with beauty and harmony… Portraits and angels frequently dominate the works, which synthesize together to create a mystical-harmonious mood”. – Maia Tseskhladze. Maia Tsetskhladze handcrafted five books. Between 2001 and 2004, she had an interesting creative practice in Germany. She worked as an artist-decorator for the Berlin Theatre’s production of Ivan Goncharov’s “Oblomov” and as a painting instructor at Berlin’s “Nursing Home”.

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