Apollon Kutateladze starts to study in Poti, Georgia. He continues to study at the “Caucasian society of artist support” school, where he will be specialised in art from 1914 to 1915. In 1915, he will quit Poti to join the “Nikolay Sklifosovsky” Academy of Painting and Drawing in the capital, Tbilisi. He graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts in 1926 after studying four years with teachers Eugene Lanceray, Gigo Gabashvili and Iosif Adolfovich Charlemagne. He has had several academic trips to Leningrad. From 1943 onward, Apollon Kutateladze establishes himself in Tbilisi and teaches at Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, of which he will become the rector in 1959. He will put in place in the Academy a new pedagogical method of teaching Arts, which consists in education, practise (workshop creation) and construction (projects from industrial partners). This will leave the classical art pedagogical methods behind, to the profit of the new method derived from the three principles of Walter Gropius in Bauhaus. He successfully worked in the genres of portrait and landscape, but he was a great master of difficult multi- figured compositions in batal and historical scenes. Throughout his career, Apollon Kutateldaze will receive the Order of the Badge of Honour twice and the Order of the Red Banner of Labour once. He will also become People’s Artist of the USSR. Tbilisi State Academy of Arts will be renamed Apollon Kutateladze State Academy of Arts after his death in 1972. A street in Tbilisi is also renamed Apollon Kutateladze Street around 2000. Apollon Kutateladze actually rests in the Didube Pantheon in Tbilisi.