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Ramishvili Koka

Koka Ramishvili works in various media: fine art, photography, sculpture, installation, and video art. His works are based on a poetical structural platform and interdisciplinary praxis. This implies not only aesthetic philosophy but also intersecting science-quantum physics, medicine, and social disciplines. Recently, he has developed an interest in photography and watercolor. His photographs document his research on the phenomena of light, a well as watercolor – on color. Koka Ramishvili began working with Jarji Balanchivadze in the early 1980s and became involved in synthetic theatrical activities. He has been a member of the “Marjanishvili Theatre’s Workshop” group of artists since 1987. In 1991, he created the documentary series “War From My Window”, which consisted of twelve black-and-white photographs depicting Tbilisi’s ongoing war. From 1991 to 1994, he worked in Wolfgang Platz’s studio in Munich, Germany; in 1994, he co-founded the Tbilisi Center for
Contemporary Art; and in 1997, he founded a visual laboratory and the magazine “Signal”. For his video installation “Signal,” he received the Bauhaus School of Arts and the Stuttgart State Academy of Fine Arts Award in 1997. The artist had exhibitions in Germany, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and Switzerland. Among them are Tate Modern (London, UK), MAMCO (Geneva, Switzerland), Goethe-Institut (Berlin, Germany), Musée des Beaux-Arts (Nantes, France), M KHA – Modern Museum of Art (Antwerp, Belgium), and Cobra Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands). In 2009, he represented Georgia at the 53rd Venice Biennale. Koka Ramishvili has lived and worked in Geneva, since 2000.

KOKA – The modest charm of six artists.1999.

Black Sea – 2008 © Koka Ramishvili

Date: 10 Nov. 2022 – 02 Dec. 2022.  Museum: The National Gallery

Koka Ramishvili
Date of Birth1956Share