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Mark Polyakov
Year of birth1948Share

Polyakov Mark

Mark Polyakov was born in 1948 in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 1973 he graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Art.

Mark Polyakov is a member of the Union of the Artists of Georgia and Russia. He participated in many group exhibitions in Tbilisi, Moscow, Berlin, Tel Aviv and New York. Artist organized five personal exhibitions in Tbilisi, Moscow and New York.

Artist mainly works on creating paintings, prints, installations and participates in performances. In Georgia and in Moscow he was working in the fields of the set design, interior design and book illustration. Mark Polyakov organized and supervised the Laboratory of Experimental Graphics in the Georgian House of Artists in Tbilisi and since that he always was interested in experimental graphics and new printing technologies.

Nowadays Mark’s interests covers computer graphics, digital photography and creating art on social networks.


AGASPHER. Mixed media, paper

SELFPORTRAIT. Mixed media, paper

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