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Matuashvili Shalva

Shalva Matuashvili graduated Tbilisi State Academy of Arts in 1980. Gives lessons in painting since 1987. Since 2007 – Ilia State University, since 2017. Shalva Matuashvili – painter and graphic artist is a distinguished representative of figurative painting, an intellectual. In the process of constant creative search, he gets inspiration from the masterpieces of great artists
and through the prism of his own thinking, he paints with special professionalism and responsibility. The method of Glazing and Sfumato, variety of textures created by color and light, exquisite and individual style make Shalva Matuashvili paintings outstanding. He works in various genres: still lifes, landscapes, genre scenes, delicate portraits of women or figurative compositions, where the beauty and plasticity of a woman’s body speak with special harmony and melody. Shalva Matuashvili has been participating in exhibitions in Georgia and abroad since 1987. His works are preserved in the Dimitri Shevardnadze National Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Fine Arts (Tbilisi); Tretyakov State Gallery and Museum of Oriental Peoples (Moscow, Russia), as well as private collections: in Germany, in Munich-Oliver Michael Hasbel and Bodo Schmidz collections; In Turkey – in the collection of Hikmet Ozdan Ogli, as well as with private owners in Paris, Moscow, Berlin, New York.   

Shalva Matuashvili
Date of Birth1958Share