Sculptor, artist Liza Epitashvili is an alumnus of the Tbilisi Academy of Arts. She graduated from the faculty of sculpture in 1981. She worked at Tbilisi Art Studio of sculptors of USSR Academy of Art (1983-1986).
1988-2005 – Liza Epitashvili Lived and worked in Belgrade (Serbia). From 2005 to 2012 she was coordinator at the Lithographic creative studio in Tbilisi; the member of the Expert Council (Feasibility Committee) the Ministry of Culture of Georgia (2016 -2018).
From 2012 – to present Liza Epitashvili is lecturer of sculpture at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.
Starting form 1980 she participated in lots of different exhibitions on both local and international levels, among them are educational exchange and the workshops in Belgrade University of Arts: Visual codes of contemporary sculpture, was leaded by Liza Epitashvili, and exhibition “Step in the structure“, curated by Alexandra Gabunia, Belgrade, Serbia (2018); International Symposium of Sculptors, Culture Center “Muza” (2018, 2022); Garikula, the exhibition of modern Georgian and foreign artists (2011); International visual art convention. Lithography exhibition (2005); International exhibition in Zaicher, Serbia (1999); International symposium «RUMULIANA» in Gamzigrad, Serbia (1998); 1 st international exhibition ( ХФ Russia), ЦДХ in Moscow, Russia (1994); 1 st place at the international symposium at the art house «Dzintari84» in Yurmala, Latvia (1984).
Her works are preserved in museums: Georgian National Museum; Georgian National Gallery; Achara Art Muzeum in Batumi, Georgia;
Private collections – Georgia, Russia, France, Spain, Serbia, Germany, Switzerland.