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Sulakauri Dato-Archil

Dato-Archil Sulakauri graduated in 1978 from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. His creative path is quite multiform and diverse: in 1986 he published the scientific work “The Relationship between Artist and Material”; in 1987 he worked as a screenwriter for Georgian puppet films; in 1989 he became one of the screenwriters of the film “Anemia”; from 1989 to 2010, he created mural paintings in several churches throughout Georgia and abroad: the Greek Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (Tsalka. 1989); the Russian Church of the Archangel Michael (Privolnoe, Armenia. 1992); the Assembly Hall of the Sharman Parley Lutheran Church in Milwaukee (the USA in 1997); and the Church of the Examining by Doubting Thomas of the Savior’s Holy Side Wound (Akhalkalaki. 2010). Visual icons of European and Oriental art, as well as Georgian monumental paintings, are imbued with new content. Dato Sulakauri’s works create an expressive artistic world while responding to socially acute themes of his motherland and contemporaries. Experimenting with different materials and techniques, the artist gives a special plastic and textural expression to his graphic works and paintings. Sulakauri’s landscapes, portraits, and multi-figure and religious compositions are impressive for their monumentality, originality of the compositional structure, and expressiveness of artistic images. His works are kept in the Shalva Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts as well as in private collections in Georgia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, and the United States.

Dato-Archil Sulakauri
Date of Birth1952Share